• Adolescent/Youth Counseling (4)

    Adolescent/Youth Counseling


    Programs that specialize in the treatment of adolescents, usually age 12 or 13 through 17, who have adjustment problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbance, a personality disorder or incipient mental illness. The programs may help youth troubled by low self-esteem, social isolation, peer pressure, bullying, school performance issues, truancy, anger management issues, family problems, grief and loss, sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted disease, alcohol or drug addiction, eating disorders, oppositional and defiant behaviors, depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts or other difficult issues.
  • Bereavement and Grief Counseling (2)

    Bereavement and Grief Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information and guidance for people who have recently experienced a loss, such as the death of a loved one, divorce or separation. Included are counseling programs for widows and widowers, children who have lost a parent, parents who have lost a child and people who are in other similar situations.
  • Birth Control Counseling (1)

    Birth Control Counseling


    Programs that provide a comprehensive overview of available birth control methods including information about fertility cycles, natural family planning, contraception and sterilization, and help people evaluate their options and select the method that bests suits their needs.
  • Child Abuse Counseling (3)

    Child Abuse Counseling


    Programs that provide therapeutic interventions for individuals and/or families who are experiencing child abuse including abandonment, neglect, or emotional, physical or sexual abuse by a parent, guardian, or other family or extended family member whom the child trusts and who is in a position of power over the child. Counseling is offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the child, the abusing or non-abusing parent(s) and siblings. Separate sessions may be available for young children who have been victimized and for older children in their teens.
  • Credit Counseling (1)

    Credit Counseling


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to improve their understanding of the consumer credit lending and collections systems, and maximize their skill in using credit. Services may include help in completing credit application forms, understanding how credit information is analyzed, choosing the best credit cards and/or interest rates available, determining how many credit cards can be managed, protecting one's credit information, communicating with creditors, improving poor credit reports and associated credit scores, eliminating credit card debt and dealing with other credit card issues.
  • Elder Abuse Counseling (2)

    Elder Abuse Counseling


    Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for older adults who are being physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused by members of their family, and/or for perpetrators of elder abuse. Also included are programs that provide counseling for dependent adults who are victims of abuse.
  • Family Counseling (7)

    Family Counseling


    Programs that offer therapeutic sessions that focus on the system of relationships and communication patterns among family members and which attempt to modify those relationships and patterns to achieve greater harmony. The therapist focuses on the family as a unit rather than concentrating on one of the members who is singled out as the person in need of treatment.
  • Family Counseling Agencies (1)

    Family Counseling Agencies


    Outpatient facilities that offer a variety of counseling services for individuals, couples, families and extended family groups who may be experiencing difficulty resolving personal or interpersonal conflicts or making personal adjustments to stressful life situations such as separation, divorce, widowhood, loss of a child, poor health, unemployment, family violence, delinquency or substance abuse.
  • Individual Counseling (6)

    Individual Counseling


    Programs that offer personal therapeutic sessions in which the therapist works on a one-to-one basis with clients to help them resolve their mental, emotional or social problems.
  • Individual Counseling for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (1)
    RF-3300 * YF-5000.0500-650

    Individual Counseling for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    RF-3300 * YF-5000.0500-650

    Programs that offer personal therapeutic sessions in which the therapist works on a one-to-one basis with clients to help them resolve their mental, emotional or social problems.

    A disorder affecting individuals who have experienced a psychologically traumatizing event which is characterized by reexperiencing the event through recurrent and intrusive recollections or dreams of the event, or the sudden feeling that the event was recurring; numbing of responsiveness or reduced involvement with the external world beginning sometime after the trauma; and/or one or a combination of other symptoms including hyperalertness or exaggerated startle response, sleep disturbance, guilt about surviving if others have not, memory or concentration impairment, avoidance of memories that recall the trauma and intensification of symptoms when exposed to events that symbolize or resemble the trauma.

  • Parent Counseling (3)

    Parent Counseling


    Programs that provide a wide variety of therapeutic interventions for parents who are experiencing emotional difficulties or conflicts concerning their role as parents. Included are individual or group counseling for one or both parents or conjoint parent counseling which focuses on and explores the mental, emotional or social problems of the individual(s) which contribute to their parenting problems.
  • Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment (1)

    Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for women who have symptoms of depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or postpartum psychosis, mental disorders that are associated with PMADs and affect an estimated 15% to 21% of pregnant and postpartum women in the weeks before and/or after their baby's birth. Therapists providing counseling and other services tailor therapeutic interventions specific to each woman's PMADs diagnosis. But there are general recommendations that can be incorporated to support each client's ability to benefit from the interventions that are specific to her individual PMAD diagnosis which may include normalizing and destigmatizing the situation (reassuring the woman that it is normal to feel ambivalent during pregnancy and motherhood), prioritizing sleep, encouraging exercise and finally, developing a strong social network which may involve other women experiencing PMADs, a general "new moms group", or activities that focus on interests other than motherhood.
  • Personal Financial Counseling (7)

    Personal Financial Counseling


    Programs that help people who are having difficulty paying their monthly bills gain control of their finances. The process generally involves analysis of the individual's income, expenses, debts, taxes and other factors to create a personal financial assessment; development of a budget for basic living expenses; and agreement on a short-term plan for repayment of creditors which may include debt consolidation or other strategies and a longer term plan for realizing personal financial goals.
  • Pregnancy Counseling (3)

    Pregnancy Counseling


    Programs that help people who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy resolve any social or personal problems that have arisen as a result of their pregnancy or the prospect of parenthood, and help them understand their conflicting emotions, put their feelings in perspective, evaluate their options and make a decision that right is for them.
  • Sexual Assault Counseling (2)

    Sexual Assault Counseling


    Programs that provide crisis, short-term and/or ongoing counseling for people who are coping with the emotional trauma of being forced to engage in sexual intercourse or other sexual acts without their consent. Included are military sexual trauma (MST) counseling programs offered by facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which address the needs of veterans who have been traumatized by having experienced assault or repeated threatening sexual harassment which occurred while serving on active duty in the military. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the survivor and/or significant others.
  • Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling (3)

    Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling


    Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for individuals who are being physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused by their partners, and/or for perpetrators. Included are programs that provide therapeutic interventions for married couples, people who have live-in mates and/or gay and lesbian couples who are experiencing problems with abuse.
  • Veteran Reintegration Counseling (8)

    Veteran Reintegration Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for veterans who have emotional problems including post traumatic stress disorder relating to experiences in the service, or who are having other difficulties adjusting to their civilian status.