Employment & Volunteering

    Results: 11

  • Career Counseling (1)

    Career Counseling


    Programs that provide information and guidance for people who need to evaluate their aptitude, abilities and interests in order to choose a vocation or career and select the type of training that will enable them to obtain and progress in positions in the public or private sector that are productive and fulfilling.
  • Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers (1)

    Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers


    One-stop centers that provide an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location. Services may include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
  • Economic Self Sufficiency Programs (3)

    Economic Self Sufficiency Programs


    Programs that assist low-income single parents, teen parents, displaced homemakers, public assistance recipients or other targeted individuals and families to achieve economic independence and long-term stability through an integrated group of services which may include education and job training, microenterprise development, mentoring services, life skills training, personal enrichment classes, counseling services, parenting skills development, legal assistance, housing assistance, child care and transportation assistance, information and referral and advocacy. The services may be delivered using an intensive case management model which involves assignment of a case manager, development of an individualized case plan and assessment of progress in meeting agreed upon goals and objectives.
  • Job Development (5)

    Job Development


    Programs that seek out and create employment opportunities in various fields for people who need work. Activities may include collecting and distributing information about job opportunities and/or prospective changes in the demand for specific occupations, encouraging potential employers to create jobs, informing employers of available personnel and other comprehensive or targeted efforts to generate new job prospects.
  • Job Search/Placement (11)

    Job Search/Placement


    Programs that maintain listings of available employment opportunities and assign a staff member to help people who are searching for a position to choose and obtain the most suitable option.
  • Job Training Formats (1)

    Job Training Formats


    Programs that offer apprenticeships, training through business practice firms, classroom training, internships, on-the-job training, work experience or other formats for training that prepares people for specific types of employment. The training may feature formal instruction in an institutional classroom setting, hands-on experience at a job site under varying arrangements or a combination of the two as the means by which trainees acquire the skills required to perform the job.
  • Specialized Business Development (1)

    Specialized Business Development


    Programs, usually provided by members of the business community, that offer technical assistance and other forms of management support for individuals or groups who want to develop or expand the operation of specific types of businesses (e.g., international businesses, minority businesses, nonprofit organizations, small businesses).
  • Supported Employment (6)

    Supported Employment


    Programs that find paid, meaningful work in a variety of community-based settings for people who have disabilities and which assign a "job coach" to work side-by-side with each client to interface with the employer and other employees, and provide training in basic job skills and work-related behaviors, assistance with specific tasks as needed and whatever other initial or ongoing support is required to ensure that the individual retains competitive employment. Included are individual placement models in which a job coach works on-the-job with a single individual and group models such as enclaves (which are self-contained work units of people needing support) and mobile work crews, in which a group of workers with disabilities receives continuous support and supervision from supported employment personnel. In the enclave model, groups of people with disabilities are trained to work as a team alongside employees in the host business supported by a specially trained on-site supervisor, who may work either for the host company or the placement agency. A variation of the enclave approach is called the "dispersed enclave" and is used in service industries (e.g., restaurants and hotels). Each person works on a separate job, and the group is dispersed throughout the company. In the mobile work crew model, a small team of people with disabilities works as a self-contained business and undertakes contract work such as landscaping and gardening projects. The crew works at various locations in a variety of settings within the community under the supervision of a job coach.
  • Training and Employment Programs (9)

    Training and Employment Programs


    Programs that provide job development, job training, job search, job placement, specialized job situations and other supportive services for individuals and groups who are having difficulty finding paid employment. These programs especially target people who have minimal job skills, veterans, older workers, youth, ex-offenders, public assistance recipients, refugees/immigrants, members of minority groups and others who are vocationally disadvantaged. Included are government-subsidized programs and those offered through the private sector.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (9)

    Vocational Rehabilitation


    Programs that enable individuals with disabilities, people who abuse drugs or alcohol, or people who have emotional problems to obtain the training and employment experiences they need to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Services may include vocational evaluation, work adjustment, work experience, training in marketable skills and placement in competitive employment or a sheltered work environment.
  • Volunteer Recruitment/Placement (9)

    Volunteer Recruitment/Placement


    Programs that identify individuals who have chosen to work on a full or part-time basis without remuneration in one of the human service fields and which systematically evaluate the skills, talents and personalities of recruited volunteers and match them with human service agencies that need voluntary support.